May 21, 2014

Workout Wednesdays!

 I've been trying to get a workout in for at least 6 days a week. I try to get in at least 30 minutes. This can be a bit challenging with a 10-month old, but I've found a trick that works for me. I just turn on my favorite song playlist and let it go until I'm all done with my daily challenge. Baby starts to bounce along with me! 

Here is today's workout:

I do the cardio, then weights and repeat this 3 times 

25 Jumping jacks
15 Squats
30 Second Mountain climber
15 High Knees
30 Seconds run in place
12 Shoulder presses with 10 lb dumbbells
12 Lateral raises with 10 lb dumbbells
12 Bent over rows with 10 lb dumbbell

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